Please see the Methodist Church Website for much more information,
where details are regularly updated and there are links to Government and NHS advice.
Please see also the Risk Assessment document
This Sunday's online service is available on the church website:
Sunday Service.
Service Document
Kindly note from next week all the service will be available on the Church's youtube channel and we will be having
weekly service in the church. In light of that the website will not be updated
but you can still access
the latest minister's video messages on Stevenage highstreetmethodist - YouTube.
Food, Ethical Gifts and much more
We believe that a very good way to help with the injustice in our world is to give people the chance to
sell their produce and crafts in a fair way.
Traidcraft has been pioneering this approach for 30 years.
The organisation is in contact with producer groups in 30 countries and have over 700 products in their range.
Much of the produce is sold at a local level though Fairtraders who issue catalogues and hold regular sales.
At this church there is a Traidcraft stall to coincide with the
monthly Coffee Morning.
To support our aims and buy Traidcraft products,
you can:
- Come along to a Coffee Morning on the first Saturday of the
month - 10.00 to 11.30am
- Ask our local Fairtrader, Jean Hill (01462 640902) for a catalogue.
She can supply food items individually too.
- Visit Traidcraft on-line to buy food in larger packs. Also many other gifts/crafts are available.