

Food, Ethical Gifts and much more

We believe that a very good way to help with the injustice in our world is to give people the chance to sell their produce and crafts in a fair way.

Traidcraft has been pioneering this approach for 30 years. The organisation is in contact with producer groups in 30 countries and have over 700 products in their range.

Much of the produce is sold at a local level though Fairtraders who issue catalogues and hold regular sales.

At this church there is a Traidcraft stall to coincide with the monthly Coffee Morning.

To support our aims and buy Traidcraft products,
you can:


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February Newsletter

See Events Come along enjoy a cuppa and support your local church

This Month's Quote
Bear each other's burdens and in this way, you will fulfil the laws of Christ.
Galatians 6:1-10